Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hmm. . .

So far this week has not been too bad, but it hasn't been great either (I have to proctor for state testing and that takes out my prep time!). I am worried about next week. I know it going to be hard and I should do all that I can to prepare for it so I won't be overwhelmed or die (kind of like when you know that a terrible blizzard or hurricane/tornado is coming). The sad thing is that I don't want to prepare for it! I just want to do nothing and not do anything work-related at home once I leave school.
I think a part of me is starting to experience burn-out and some bitterness. I really wonder how people get used to this profession even as years pass due to the workload (among other things). Sure one's mastery of the subject improves, one does not have to prepare new materials for a subject if it's already been taught, but then if you're told to teach new subjects each year, it gets disheartening.
Kids these days are also sooo spoiled and they are so distracted with their smartphones. I think if I grew up in this time under the conditions my family was in, I probably would not have owned a phone even (which is a plus I think as a teenager). They expect everything to be given to them (or maybe it's just the 9th grade students that I have who are known for being you know whats in the school. Apparently the current 6th grade is just as bad if not worse). I am wondering as years pass if it will get harder to manage students' behavior the more technology gets thrown at them.

I am realizing I sound so repetitive!!

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