Sunday, November 28, 2010

Oh brother

Every single item you own should have a place where it belongs or a designated storage area. As a teacher this is necessary. As a human being living on this earth, it is also necessary. Of course being the disorganized and messy person that I am, I do not do that!!

It just occurred to me that I lost a costly watch. I have absolutely no idea where it is. The fact that this happened freaks me out (I did find all the scantrons for those unit tests by the way). It's like another incident where I hid a costly necklace because I didn't want a maintenance/repair man (I had a number of heating issues in that apartment) looking through my belongings and stealing it and then I forgot the hiding place. The last time I wore this watch was probably during a faculty meeting the day before school started. After that I have no recollection of where the watch could be. I thought I put it in its proper pouch and left it on the shelf. Boo.

On a random note, I watched Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving (the historical one) four times the day before Thanksgiving (with my students mind you) and bits and pieces of the modern one. I think I am in a number of ways like Charlie Brown.

Update: I found my watch! It was indeed on a shelf! I doubt I will ever find the necklace though. I think it's buried in the couch or in some secret crevice in that studio. Whoever lives there and finds it will be quite lucky.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Other Randomness

How old is too old as far as criteria is concerned for a significant other?

The Day before Thanksgiving Break

I've gotten the sense that most classes don't really teach much the day before Thanksgiving break (with the exception of AP classes). Tomorrow will be a marathon of going class to class since it will be a C day and even though I do not intend on teaching anything (book check, Charlie Brown, hand back tests)- it will be tiring being "on" straight through for four hours.

I have already gotten so lazy with having a long weekend but I have to grade these 77 tests to hand back tomorrow!

Monday, November 22, 2010


I don't come up with very inspiring titles, do I?
I don't go out that much these days because of work and since I don't go out and because I "need" certain things, I've been online shopping a bit. What I enjoy about online shopping is the vast variety that's out there at your fingertips. Of course you miss out on the shopper's experience of touching something first hand or trying an item on.
Most items I purchase are school-related or clothes and most clothes I order, I end up returning because the fit is off or the color is not what I imagined, or the style is just not me. In a number of ways, it's become a time-waster since I look for things, take some time to make a decision, review the item again online, buy it, track it to see when it will arrive, take out the item out of the box, try on the item, and then re-package said item so I can make a trip to the post office, wait on line at the post office and then go home. Phew!!
All the time I do that I could actually be interacting with other human beings. What a thought!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Yay for the Weekend!

I seriously do not know what I would do without a weekend. This week was horrendous and I am so glad it is over. Yesterday I went to sleep at 6:30 PM with the intention of taking a nap. Instead, I woke up this morning at 7 AM. Wowzers. I could have started my day at that time, but I decided to be lazy and stayed in bed until 10 AM. It's already 8:35 PM and even though I have much to do, I am just glad for Saturday. I am also looking forward to the short week we have. Each year Thanksgiving has a new meaning for me.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What else is new

This week has been brutal. I don't know what it is but maybe it's just because it's D Week and I still work way too slow. Or it's just an off week. Or the sleep deprivation is starting to get to me.
What's scary is that Tuesday and today were the "light" days. Thursday and Friday are the heavy days. I really want this week to be over really, really bad. I am already thinking about Thanksgiving break where I can sleep a decent amount and hopefully get some planning done (in addition to all the grading that's piling up).

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


You know what's sad? The fact that I feel guilty that I am going to bed by around 1:50 AM (I wake up at 5:30 AM most days). Why do I feel guilty? I have so much work to do still that could be done (such as the grading. I hate grading.)
At the same time, there are priorities and one of those priorities is my need for some sleep! It's during these times that I wish I were younger and could handle the fewer hours on a long-term basis.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

How Fast Time Flies

Where did my four-day weekend go?? I am already freaking out as I type this. Wednesday night I was a zombie. Thursday I woke up at 1 PM and did NOTHING. It was absolute bliss. I went to the post office, Trader Joe's, and met up with my small group leader (I don't attend small group). Friday I woke up at 11 AM. I made the answer key for two parts of a unit test only to find that I am missing the students' responses to part I. NOT GOOD. Watched Iron Man to forget that I did that and have to look for that and bought some clothing online to make myself look less like an ajuma (according to my family, I dress like an ajuma). In the process I fell in love with a Rick Owens leather jacket but convinced myself that I should not buy it.

Just came back from driving my brother to the airport and now feel compelled to do some major grading at 7 AM.

I made plans to actually meet up with a friend and bake but am already getting nervous that I don't have enough time today and tomorrow because I wasted Thursday and Friday. I've become such a flake yet at the same time I strangely feel that I've become a workaholic - a flaky workaholic!