Thursday, December 20, 2012

Oy vey!

I have set myself up so that I will have a very stressful winter break! I have all these tests, quizzes, and DBQs to grade and I haven't really gotten around to it. I should but I have been so tired and unmotivated. On top of that I will be in Korea from the 25th through the 31st. Will I get work done over there? I seriously doubt it! So that means I have to get most of my work done by the 25th. So sad. I should write out everything so I feel really, really bad. AP Euro: I haven't graded any of the reading quizzes and they take at least three a week since November 16th I haven't graded the Chapter 19/20 Test for AP Euro I have to put in their homework grades. AP World: I haven't graded the Chapter 16/17 Test and they just took another Chapter 18/19 Test today. I also have to put in their homework grades. World: I have to grade the Mughal Empire quiz and their DBQs (73 essays). ON TOP OF THAT: I have to think about what I am going to do when I return from winter break! I have to study new material. I have my work cut out for me.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Grrr. . .

I never realized how important peace and quiet are for me until my parents returned from Korea. Since then, I have not had any peace and quiet. I seriously just want to be left alone. I constantly have something to do since the school year has ended and I don't feel relaxed. Since I have been feeling so frustrated, I do not feel any motivation to be particularly productive with anything though I have managed to get some stuff done. I honestly just don't want to do anything right now.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Almost May. . .

1.5 days and we'll be into May. Where does the time go?? The school year will be over in a blink of an eye (though sometimes certain weeks drag forever). I will certainly look forward to summer break. Until then, much work to do. . .

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Things to Do during Spring Break - Tentative

1. Wedding Plan (this is another grand list in and of itself and I will not dwell on it)
2. Organize my closet. I have a tendency to lose items of clothing and not know where anything is because it gets lost in the wash or I put it somewhere where it does not belong.
3. Grade
4. Study and plan
5. Actually enjoy some time off during spring break (April 6th through the 16th, oh yeah) and go shoe and accessory shopping (and perhaps other types of shopping?)
6. Sleep


I haven't written here in awhile, but felt inclined to post something since it is a landmark event - the wedding is 4 months away!!!
i realize even for a procrastinator like me, wedding planning is not all that bad if you research what's out there though magazines, online forums, and vendor websites. It just takes some time reading through all of it and learning about pricing, styles, and actually meeting with potential vendors to conduct interviews.
It's still surreal to me even though I bought the dress a few weeks ago. Maybe it's because I haven't been wearing an engagement ring (will get it this weekend - it took four weeks to make after we decided on it!) or haven't sent out save-the-dates.