Sunday, June 12, 2011


I foresee I won't be sleeping much tonight or tomorrow night due to all the grading I have to do and how slow I am. I also hate using the computer while I am grading. (I have to since I am grading papers and need to type in stuff to see if anyone plagiarized.) Some districts have the program called Turn It In where students send in their papers to this program and it looks up on the internet for you whether the student plagiarized and where the student did it in his/her paper. Our district does not have the money for it, but there is money for other initiatives. . . Major priorities for the superintendent are technology and using fewer book-based materials. That's a bit hard in an English or social studies class.

*College/Grad School habits die hard. I prefer working at night than during the day. I also procrastinate. Urgh.

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